There are many faces in our church and everyone works together to make the church function. Below are the names of some of the people holding positions within the church, which you may find useful, but there are many others involved in our work and ministry. Leaders/organisers of any particular group may be found on the group page.
Superintendent Minister – Revd Moses John
Moses joined us on 1st September 2024, with his wife, Kim, and children, Joshua, Jessica, Jonah and Josie. They were previously stationed in Harrogate. Moses describes himself as a ‘people person’ and is quickly getting to know our large and diverse congregation. It is a real blessing to have Moses and his family working with us.
Contact details: 07881 114293
Circuit Steward
Kathy Cohen
(one more to be appointed)
Church Stewards
Our church stewards support the Minister as a leadership team, help in the day to day running of the church and ensurie that services run smoothly. They can be identified on a Sunday morning by their purple lanyards and should be your first port of call with any queries.
. Claire Waller (Senior Steward)
Keith Barker
Angela Proctor
Elizabeth Mitchell
Pat Fish
Stewards in training
Jon Barnes
Dami Okumowo
Peace Uriemu
- Mick Etheridge – please contact Mick on 07799 494447 for Church Hall bookings
- Janet Etheridge – Pastoral Secretary
Communications Team Leader – Kathy Cohen
Kathy runs the projector each week, showing scrolling notices at the beginning of the morning service and projecting hymns, readings and sermon notes. She also collates & emails out our weekly notice sheet Connect, tries to keep the website up to date and sends out prayer request emails to all on the mailing list as requests come in (email She tries to ensure that we are all communicating as we should be!
All information for the scroll or Connect should be submitted to: or placed in the INFO tray in the church foyer, preferably at least a week before publication is desired.
Please also use for general enquiries.