
At Haverhill Methodist Church we each Sunday.morning at 10.30am.
You can be sure of a warm welcome at all our services.

Up to100 people gather for the morning service and all age groups are represented. This time of worship is family orientated and musically we are led by a worship band playing contemporary songs. The emphasis is on entering into a deeper sense of God’s presence, being open to the Holy Spirit and seeking to develop into mature disciples of Jesus through the teachings of the Bible. The whole church family worships together for the first part of the service, then children and young people leave for teaching in ‘Sunday Club’. The first Sunday of the month is an All-Age Worship service, when we all remain in church throughout.

After the morning service we meet for a social time in our church hall, where tea, coffee and biscuits are served. These times make for great opportunities to meet new friends and find ways to become more fully integrated into the church family.

Each month there are opportunities for sharing bread and wine (Holy Communion). All who know and love Jesus are welcome to take part, as we remember His commandment to “Do this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19)

If you would like to speak in confidence to share a burden, there is always someone to listen and pray with you. We believe in divine healing and offer prayer ministry for those who are ill or have other needs. Simply approach our minister or one of the prayer ministry team wearing green lanyards.

We do not ask visitors for money, although there is an offering bowl at the back of the church. Money may be placed in this before or after the service. If you wish to contribute regularly, please ask about our bank transfer and envelope payment schemes. If you are a tax-payer, you can make your donations more valuable by signing up for gift aid – just ask.