Recent Sermons

This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Moses John, and included Holy Communion. All the slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An audio…

What is (God’s) Truth?

March 2, 2025
This moirning's all age service was led by our Minister, Rev Moses John, and continued the series of interviews with members of the congregation. The interview, short sketch and talk…

Living by Kingdom Values

February 23, 2025
This morning's service was led by Sarah Glasswell, out Youth for Christ worker and Local Preacher. Slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An audio version…

Living the deeper life

February 16, 2025
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Moses John with his wife, herself a Methodist Local Preacher, giving the sermon. An audio version of the sermon is also…

Going Deeper with God

February 9, 2025
This morning's service, led by our Minister Rev Moses John, includes Holy Communion. Slides used are available in the Notes. The sermon is also available as an audio file.

How to pray

February 2, 2025
This morning's all age service, led by our Minister Rev Moses John, includes the first in a series of interviews with church members which will be continued in each all…

The Gift

January 26, 2025
This preacher this morning is Vivien Sargeant, visiting us from Clare Baptist Church. There are no slides for this service. The all age talk and the sermon are both available…
Our service this morning was led by our Minister, Rev Moses John. An audio version of the sermon is also available. Slides used can be found in the Notes.

The Covenant Service

January 12, 2025
This week was our Covenant service where as a congregation and as individuals we renew our Covenant with God. This service includes Holy Communion. An audio file of the sermon…


December 29, 2024
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Moses John. An audio file of the sermon is also available.

Christmas Day 2024

December 25, 2024
A short celebration service on Christmas morning, led by our Minister, Rev Moses John. There is no separate audio file of the sermon this week due to technical issues.

Carols by Candlelight

December 22, 2024
This service was our annual carol service. Being by candlelight the video quality may not be as good as usual. Slides used during the service can be found in the…

The Journey from Jerusalem

December 22, 2024
This morning's service was led by our minister, Rev Moses John and included the dedication of Jaeden and Florence. We also said farewell to our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade, who…

Christingles & being thankful

December 15, 2024
This was our D-I-Y Christingle Service, led by our YfC worker Sarah Glasswell. Those of the congregation who wish to, go out to the hall part way through the service…

The Road to Bethlehem

December 8, 2024
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Moses John, and included Holy Communion. Unfortunately, due to high winds from storm Darragh, there was a local power outage on…


December 1, 2024
This morning's service, the first in Advent and all age worship led by our Minister Rev Moses John, includes the advent candle liturgy at the beginning which will contimue up…

Praying for God’s kingdom

November 24, 2024
This morning's service was led by Henry Wilson, the CEO of REACH Community Projects ( and a Methodist Local Preacher. There are no slides for this service. The sermon is…

The Destruction of the Temple

November 17, 2024
This morning's service was led by our Minister Rev Moses John and included the reception of a number of people into membership. All slides used during the service can be…


November 10, 2024
This morning's Remembrance Sunday Service with Holy Communion was led by our Minister, Rev Moses John. Slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An audio version…

Walk this way

November 3, 2024
Our all age service this morning was led by our Youth for Christ worker, Sarah Glasswell. Slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An audio recording…

Do you see?

October 27, 2024
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Revd Moses John and looked at the story of Bartimaeus. The slides used and the hymnsheet can be found in the Notes.…
This morning's service continues our look at the book of Job, We are led by Charmaine Slade, our Lay Pioneer. Slides used in the service can be found in the…

Finding God in Our Suffering

October 13, 2024
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Revd Moses John, and included Holy Communion.. Slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An audio version of…

Harvest Festival

October 6, 2024
This morning's All Age Harvest service was led by our Minister, Revd Moses John with the young people from Sunday Club being heavily involved. Unfortunately there is no video of…

A True Disciple

September 29, 2024
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Revd Moses John. All slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An audio version of the sermon is…

Forgiveness – the Knife Angel

September 22, 2024
This morning's service was led by our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. An audio version of the sermon is also available. Slides used during the service can be found in the…

What is God like?

September 15, 2024
This week's service was led by our Minister, Revd Moses John. The slides used can be found in the Notes. An audio version of the sermon is also available.

Sunday Club Anniversary

September 8, 2024
Today is our Sunday Club Anniversary service - yet more cake! The young people take a large part in this service, from readings to playing in the band. All slides…

God’s presence in 3-D

September 1, 2024
This morning's service was the first to be led by our new Minister, Revd Moses John and  included Holy Communion. All the slides used in the service are available in…
On Saturday 31st August we welcomed our new Minister, Revd Moses John and his family to Haverhill Methodist Church. This is a formal event starting Moses' ministry with us, but…

Retreat to Advance

August 25, 2024
Today's service should have been led by Henry Wilson, CEO of REACH Community Projects ( however Henry was taken ill earlier in the week and has been in hospital being…

I am the Bread

August 18, 2024
This was to have been our farewell service for Rev Andy Burrows and hs wife Ruth who have been looking after us while we had no minister of our own.…

The Bread of Life – 2

August 11, 2024
This morning's service was led by our supernumerary minister, Rev Ken Nicholls. It included an interview with a local lady who runs a charity supporting orphaned children in Kenya. Pictures…

The Bread of Life

August 4, 2024
Today's all age worship was led by Mr Gavin Payne, visiting us from Elmswell. The talk is also available as an audio file.


July 28, 2024
This morning's service was led by our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. Slides used in the talks can be found in the Notes. Both the All Age talk and the sermon…

Under Pressure!

July 21, 2024
Today' service was led by our supernumerary minister, Rev Ken Nicholls, and included Holy Communion. The slides used can be found in the Notes. An audio file of the sermon…
This morning's service was led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our congregation and our YfC youth worker. Slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An audio…

The Armour of God

June 30, 2024
Today's service was led by Ian Levett, a lay reader from St Mary's Anglican church just down the road, ably assisted by Steve Norris. There is no video recording this…

God is in Control

June 23, 2024
This morning's service was led by our Supernumerary Minister, Revd Ken Nicholls. The slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. There is an audio version of…

24-hour Surveillance

June 16, 2024
This morning's service is led by our Titular Superintendent, Rev Andy Burrows, and includes Holy Communion. All slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An audio…
This morning's service was led by Sarah Glasswell, our Youth for Christ worker. The slides used for the All Age talk can be found in the Notes. An audio version…

Practising Love

June 2, 2024
Today's all age worship was led by our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. The slides used can be found in the Notes. An audio version of the sermon is also available.
Our service today was led by our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. The slides used during the service can be found in the Notes. There is an audio version of the…

The Spirit Within

May 19, 2024
This morning's service included Holy Communion and was led by our Titular Superintendent, Revd Andy Burrows. All the slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An…
This morning's service began with the baptism of baby Malachi by Rev Ken Nicholls with the sermon preached by Vivien Sargeant visiting us from Clare Baptist Church. Slides used in…
Today's all age worship is led by our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. Slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An audio version of the service is…

Bearing Fruit

April 28, 2024
Our preacher today was Gavin Payne, a Methodist Local preacher who used to be part of our congregation but now visitis us from Elmswell. There is an audio version of…
Today's service was led by Revd Andy Burrows, our titular superintebdent, and included the reception of new members and Holy Communion. An audio version of the sermon is also available…
This morning's service was by our worship leader, Derek. The preacher was Henry Wilson, CEO of REACH Communiity Projects, our local help organisation & food bank ( ). Henry is…

The Bible

April 7, 2024
Today's all age worship service was led by Sarah Glasswell, our Youth for Christ worker and one of our congregation. We dedicated the bibles provided for our Sunday Club by…
This Easter Day celebration service was led by Sarah Glasswell and Charmaine Slade two of our congregation and our YfC youth worker & Lay Pioneer respectively. The all age talk…

Palm Sunday

March 24, 2024
This morning's service was led by David frost, an experienced preacher from our congregation. Slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An audio version of the…

New Life

March 17, 2024
This morning's service was led by Rev Andy Burrows and included Holy Communion. Slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An audio version of the sermon…

Mothering Sunday

March 10, 2024
Our service this morning was led by Mr Ian Levett, a lay reader and friend from St Mary the Virgin Anglican Church. The Prayer of Confession can be found in…

The Good Samaritan

March 3, 2024
This morning's all age worship service was led by our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. We looked at how we should help others and had a special guest in the shape…

Who do you say I am?

February 25, 2024
This morning's service is led by Gavin Payne, a Methodist Local Preacher from Elmswell, originally from our own church. An audio version of the sermon is also available.

Discovering self

February 18, 2024
This morning's service of Holy Communion, led by Rev Andy Burrows, is the first in lent and begins the series of Lent Cross liturgies. The service also included infant baptism…

Living Water Adopt-a-Child

February 11, 2024
Our visiting preacher today was Peter Barton from Adopt-a-Child, a Christian charity working in Guatemala and Albania. Working with some of the poorest and most marginalised people, offering food and…

Bringing people to Jesus

February 4, 2024
This morning'sall age worship service was led by Sarah Glasswell, our Youth for Christ worker. Slides used in the service are available in the Notes. An audio version of the…
Our service this morning was led by Ian Levett, a Lay Reader visiting us from St Mary's Anglican church. Ian is also Chair of the Haverhill Town Pastors which has…
This morning's service was our annual Covenant Service where we re-commit our lives to God and His service as He sees fit. Led by our Titular Superintendent, Revd Andy Burrows,…

Pilgrims & Pilgrimage

January 14, 2024
This morning's service was led by our Supernumerary Minister, Rev Ken Nicholls. The sermon is available as an audio file. The slides used in the service can be found in…

Order out of Chaos

January 7, 2024
This morning's service was led by our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. The slides used in the service are available in the Notes. An audio version is also available, without the…


December 31, 2023
Today's service was led by Steve Norris, a licenced lay preacher from our local Anglican church, St Mary the Virgin. The slides used in the sermon are available in the…

Christmas Day Celebration

December 25, 2023
Our Christmas Day Celebration service was led by Revd Ken Nicholls, a supernumerary Minister from our congregation. The pictures of the Posada can be found in the Notes.

A familiar story?

December 24, 2023
Today's Christmas Eve service was led by Sarah Glasswell, our YfC worker and member of our congregation. There is an audio version of the sermon also available. There are no…

Family Carol Service

December 17, 2023
Our Family Carol Service was led by the Sunday Club Team using the Festive Fred materials produced by the Bible Society.

Christingle Service

December 17, 2023
This morning's Christingle service was led by Vivien Sargeant visiting us from Clare Baptist Church. This was a D-I-Y Christingle where those who wished to make one went up to…

Light in the Darkness

December 10, 2023
Today's service was led by Henry Wilson MBE, CEO of our local REACH organisation ( helps people with debt, benefits & housing and provides a foodbank. Henry is also an…

Toy Service

December 3, 2023
This morning's all age worship for the first Sunday in Advent was led by Revd Andy Burrows. This was our Toy service where new, unwrapped toys and gifts for young…

Treasure Hunters!

November 26, 2023
This morning's service was led by Derek Marren, our worship leader, with Revd Julian Pursehouse, Chair of the East Anglia District, preaching. An audio version of the sermon is also…

The Discipleship Adventure

November 19, 2023
This morning's service was led by Revd Andy Burrows and included Holy Communion. The slides used during the service are available in the Notes. There is also an audio file…

Remembrance Sunday

November 12, 2023
This is our Remembrance Sunday service, led by one of our congregation, David Frost. Unfortunately, the video after the Act of Remembrance can't be uploaded here for copyright reasons -…

Choose Wisdom

November 5, 2023
This morning's All Age Worship was led by out Youth for Christ worker (& member of the congregation) Sarah Glasswell. the slides used in the talk are available in the…

Choosing to Love

October 29, 2023
This morning's service was led by our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. It included feedback from the 24/7 Prayer Vigil that we held over Friday & Saturday. An audio version od…

Hope, Joy, Peace

October 22, 2023
This morning's service was led by our friend Vivien Sargeant, from Clare Baptist Church. We dedicated the shoeboxes going to Link to Hope and the donations received for our Gift…

Monument or Movement?

October 15, 2023
This morning's service was led by our acting Superintendent, Rev Andy Burrows. Andy is looking after Haverhill while we await a new Minister, as well as running his home circuit…
This morning's service was led by Charmaine Slade, our Lay Pioneer. Slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An audio version of the sermon is also…
This morning's service was led by Henry Wilson MBE, CEO of REACH Community Projects Haverhill. This was an all age service and the young people took a large part in…

Jesus is all in all

September 24, 2023
This morning's service was led by David Frost, an experienced preacher from our congregation. The slides that should have been used for the all age talk are available in the…

How many times?!

September 17, 2023
This morning's service was led by Rev Ken Nicholls and included Holy Communion. All the slides used in the service can be founf in the Notes. An audio version of…
This morning's service was our Sunday Club Anniversary service.  The young people took a leading role in the service as well as in the band. Books were presented to all…

New Beginnings

September 3, 2023
Today's all age service was led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Worship Leading & Preaching Team and our Haverhill & District Youth for Christ worker. An audio version of…

Journeys with Jesus

August 27, 2023
This morning's service was led by David Frost an experienced preacher from our congregation. An audio version of the sermon is also available.


August 20, 2023
This morning's service was led by our supernumerary minister, Rev Ken Nicholls and included Holy Communion. The slides used during the service can be found in the Notes. There is…

Are you hungry?

August 13, 2023
Our service this morning was led by Henry Wilson, a Methodist Local Preacher and CEO of REACH Community Projects ( An audio version of the sermon is also available.


July 30, 2023
This morning's service was led by David Frost, one of our congregation who has much preaching experience. Slides used in the talk can be found in the Notes.

What a Friend!

July 23, 2023
This morning's service was led by our supernumerary minister, Rev Ken Nicholls and included the blessing of Linda & Ron Walker's marriage on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary.…

A bend in the road

July 16, 2023
The service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. A bitter-sweet occasion, this was Peter's final service with us before moving on to his next stationing appointment on the…

Being Church

July 9, 2023
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. Slides for the sermon are available in the Notes.  

Wake Up!

June 25, 2023
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall, and included Holy  Commnuion. All the slides used in the service are available in the Notes. The sermon is…


June 18, 2023
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall and included the dedication of Imogen, one of the church family babies. The slides used in the service can…


June 11, 2023
This morning's service was led by Sarah Glasswell, our Haverhill & District Youth for Christ worker. The slides used in the sermon can be found in the Notes. There is…


June 4, 2023
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall, with the young people taking part. The slides used are available in the Notes. The talks are also available…


May 28, 2023
This morning's service is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. All the slides used in the service can be found in the Notes/ An audio version of the sermon…

The Promises of God

May 21, 2023
This morning's service is led by David Frost, one of our conghregation with a wealth of preaching experience. An audio version of the sermon is also available.


May 14, 2023
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall, and included Holy Communion. The words for Holy Communion and the slide used for the sermon are available in…

A new King is coming

May 7, 2023
Our all age worship this morning is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall, with contributions from the young people. All the slides used in the service can be found…

Good Shepherd

April 30, 2023
This morning's service was led by our supernumerary minister, Rev Ken Nicholls. There was no band available so music is from videos. All slides used in the service can be…

Walking with Jesus

April 23, 2023
This morning's service was led bu our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. All slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An audio version of the sermon is…

Trust & Faith

April 16, 2023
This morning's service was led by our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. An audio version of the sermon is also available.
Our Easter Morning all age worship is a celebration of the Good News of Jesus' resurrection. We are led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. Slides for the talk are…
Our Palm Sunday service is all age worship with the young people taking part. We are led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. Slides used durig the service are abvailable…

Sing to the Well!

March 26, 2023
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. Slides used in the service are available in the Notes. An audio version of the sermon is also available

Who’s in control?

March 19, 2023
This morning's Mothering Sunday service was led by our YFC youth worker, Sarah Glasswell. Flowers were presented to all the ladies in the congregation before the young people went out…

Waiting well

March 12, 2023
This morning's service was led by Henry Wilson. The slides used can be found in the Notes. An audio version of the sermon is also available.

Dare to be a Daniel!

March 5, 2023
This morning's all age service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall with a number of our young people also taking part. All the slides used in the service…

Jesus in the wilderness

February 26, 2023
This morning's service, the first Sunday in Lent, was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. All the slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An…

Mountain tops and valleys

February 19, 2023
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall and included the celebration of Holy Communion. We also welcomed nine people into membership. All the slides used in…

All are welcome

February 12, 2023
This morning's service was led by Rev Ken Nicholls, our supernumerary minister. An audio version of the sermon is also available. There are no sermon slides.

Love one another

February 5, 2023
This morning's service is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. All the slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An audio version of the short…

What’s your be-attitude?

January 29, 2023
This morning's service was led by our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. The slides used in the sermon can be found in the Notes, An audio version of the sermon is…

Building Bridges not Walls

January 22, 2023
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. The sermon slides can be found in the Notes. An audio version of the sermon is also available.

Have you ever been stuck?

January 15, 2023
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. The slides used in the service are available in the Notes. An audio version of the sermon is also…

Renewing our Covenant

January 8, 2023
This morning's service was our annual Covenant service, where we renew our committment to God and his work, in whatever way he chooses to use us. The service was led…

Learning from the Wise Men

January 1, 2023
This morning's all age worship service was led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall, with contributions from the children and others. The slides used in the service can be found…
Happy Christmas! Welcome to our Christmas celebration service, which includes the arrival of the Posada, our travelling Nativity set. All the slides used in the service are available in the…
This morning was our Christingle service, led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall, where all those in the congregation who wanted to could go and make a Christingle. The slides…

Family Carol Service

December 11, 2022
A Family Carol service with members of Sunday Club taking part as characters in the Nativity Story. An audio version of the service is also available. The slide presentation 'Amazing…

Finding Joy!

December 11, 2022
Our service this morning was led by Vivien Sargeant, visiting us from Clare Baptist Church. There are no sermon slides this week. There is an audio version of the sermon…
Our all age worship this morning was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall, with the young people taking an active part. It was also our Toy Service where the…

Getting the Message!

November 27, 2022
This morning's service, the first in Advent, included Holy Communion. The service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. Slides used in the service can be found in the…

Christ the King

November 20, 2022
This morning's service was led by our supernumerary minister, Rev Ken Nicholls. The slides used during the service are available in the Notes. An audio version of the sermon is…

Remembrance Sunday

November 13, 2022
This morning's Remembrance Service was a local arrangement, led by our stewards, as our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall had to be elsewhere at short notice. He recorded the sermon before…

Being the Body

November 6, 2022
Today's all age service was led by Sarah Glasswell, our YFC worker and one of our WL&P team. The slides used in the service can be found in the Notes.…


October 30, 2022
Today's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. The sermon is also available as an audio download. Slides used durimg the sermon can be found in the Notes.
This morning's service was led by our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. The slides used are available in the Notes. An audio version of the sermon is also available. Note: Details…
Today's service was led by David Frost, one of our congregation. The poem 'The Touch of the Master's Hand' can be found in the Notes. There is an audio version…

Being thankful

October 9, 2022
This morning's service included Holy Communion and was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. The slides used for the sermon & Holy Communion prayers are available in the Notes.…

Harvest Festival

October 2, 2022
Today's harvest festival service was led by out Minister, Revd Peter Goodhall but with a lot of input from our young people. All the slides used in the service, including…

Rich man, poor man …

September 25, 2022
This morning's service was led by Charmaine Slade, our Lay Pioneer and one of our Worship Leading & Preaching team Slides used in the service can be found in the…
This morning's service was led by Charmaine Slade, our Lay Pioneer and one of our Worship Leading & Preaching Team. The slides used in the service can be found in…

Searching for the lost…

September 11, 2022
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall and included the belssing of Roger & Margaret Beaumont as they come to their Golden Wedding Anniversary, as well…
This morning's All Age service was led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall, Claire Evans our Sunday Club co-ordinator and young people from the church. It was a round-up and…

Come to a feast!

August 28, 2022
Our service this morning is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. The slides from both talks can be found in the Notes. An audio version of the sermon is…
This morning's service was led by Sarah Glasswell, our Youth Worker and one of the Worship Leading & Preaching Team. The slides used in both talks are available in the…

Rahab the Gamechanger

August 14, 2022
This morning's service was led by Charmaine Slade, our Lay Pioneer and one of our Worship Leading & Preaching Team. The sermon slides can be found in the Notes. An…

Joseph and the Dreams

August 7, 2022
Today's service follows Joseph from a shepherd boy with big dreams to prison in Egypt. Our young people take a large part in the service which is led by our…

Living the Jesus Way

July 31, 2022
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall, and included Holy Communion. The sermon slide can be found in the Notes. An audio recording of the sermon…

Rooted in Christ

July 24, 2022
This morning's service was led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. The sermon slides can be found in the Notes. An audio version of the sermon is also available.
This morning's service was led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. Slides shown during the sermon can be found in the Notes An audio version of the sermon is also…

Who do you follow?

July 10, 2022
This morning's service was led by our supernumerary minister, Rev Ken Nicholls, ably assisted by our YFC worker Sarah Glasswell and congregation member David Frost. In order to capture the…
This morning's service was held at the beginning of the Haverhill Show. It was a united service, organised by Haverhill & District Churches Together. The theme was 'Blessing'. There is…

Ask God for more

June 26, 2022
Our service this morning was led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Worship Leading & Preaching team and our Youth for Christ worker. An audio version of the sermon is…

Clothed in Christ

June 19, 2022
This morning's service was led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall and included Holy Communion. Slides for the sermon can be found in the Notes. An audio version of the…

Defeating Giants

June 12, 2022
Our service this morning was led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall. Unfortunately it is not possible to embed the BFG video so after Part 1, please watch it here…
Our all age service today, led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall, was a celebration of Pentecost  & the Royal Jubilee. Slides used during the service can be found in…
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Revd Peter Goodhall. Slides shown during the sermon are available in the Notes. An audio version of the sermon is also available.
This morning's service included the dedication of our Easter Offering which goes to Methodist Women in Britain and is used in the service & support of others through All We…
Today's service was led by Charmaine Slade, one of our Worship Leading & Preaching Team and our Lay Pioneer, Slides used during the service can be found in the Notes.…

Psalm 23

May 8, 2022
This morning's service was led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall, and included Holy Communion. Slides projected during the service can be found in the Notes. An audio version of…
Today's service was led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. An audio version of the sermon is also available.
This morning's service was led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall. The sermon slides are available in the Notes. There is an audio version of the sermon also available.

Easter Sunday – Follow

April 17, 2022
This morning's All Age Celebration service for Easter Day was led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall. The symbols from the weeks of Lent are removed from the cross one…
Led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall, this quiet, reflective service follows the Stations of the Cross using slides of  carved wooden illustraions. These can be found in the Notes.…

Hold on to the Hosannas!

April 10, 2022
Today's Palm Sunday service was led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall and included a time of sharing some of our individual reasons for praising God today. Those individual contributions…

The Prodigal (Lost) Son

April 3, 2022
This morning's service was led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Worship Leading & Preaching Team and our Youth for Christ worker, joined by members of the youth group, Illuminate.…

The Pursuit of Happiness

March 27, 2022
Our service this morning was led by Jo Goodhall with Henry Wilson preaching. It was also Mothering Sunday when all the ladies in the congregation receive a flowering plant. An…
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall, and included the celebration of Holy Communion. The sermon slides can be found in the Notes. An audio version…

Jerusalem, Jerusalem!

March 13, 2022
This morning's service was led by our Minister, rev Peter Goodhall. The slides for the sermon can be found in the Notes. An audio version of the sermon is also…


March 6, 2022
This morning's all age worship was led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall with lots of involvement by the young people. The slides used throughout the service can be found…

Living Water Adopt-a-Child

February 27, 2022
This morning's service saw the return of Peter Barton from Living Water Adopt-a-Child. Peter has visitied us many times before to preach and to update us on the work of…


February 20, 2022
This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. An audio verion of the sermon is also available. The sermon slides can be found in the Notes. Some…

Unexpected Words

February 13, 2022
Bible Text: Luke 6:17-26 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Today's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall and included Holy Communion. The sermon slides can be found…

Gone fishing!

February 6, 2022
Bible Text: Luke 5:1-11 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | This morning's all age worship was led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Worship Leading & {reaching team and our Youth…

Go out

January 30, 2022
Bible Text: Luke 4:21-30 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. Slides for the sermon can be found in the…

Look no further than Jesus

January 23, 2022
Bible Text: Luke 4:14-21 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. The individual testimonies have been removed as these were…
Bible Text: Genesis 28:10-21 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | This morning's service was led by Charmaine Slade, our Lay Pioneer. An audio version of the sermon is also available.

The Covenant Service

January 9, 2022
Bible Text: John 21:1-14 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service is the annual Covenant service where we renew our committment to God and His service. It included…


January 2, 2022
Bible Text: Luke 2:22-40 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. An all-age service, the children contributed to the worship.…

Christmas Day

December 25, 2021
Bible Text: Luke 2:1-21 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Our Christmas morning celebration was led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall. The slides to go with the talk can…


December 19, 2021
Bible Text: Romans 8:22-25 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall, Sarah Glasswell | Our all-age Christingle service was led by Sarah, one of our Worship Leading & Preaching Team and out…

Carol Service

December 12, 2021
Bible Text: John 7:42, Genesis 3:8-15, Isaiah 9:2, 6-7, Luke 1:26-38, Luke 2:1-7, Luke 2:8-20, Matthew 2:1-11, John 1:1-14 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Our Carols by Candlelight service.…

Advent Living

December 12, 2021
Bible Text: Luke 3:7-18, Philippians 4:4-7 | Preacher: Rev Julian Pursehouse | This morning's service, the 3rd in Advent, was led by Jo Goodhall with Rev Julian Pursehouse, Chair of…

Toy Service

December 5, 2021
Bible Text: Luke 1:26-38 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Today was our annual toy service where we bring new, unwrapped toys and gifts for children and young people (0-18yrs)…

Love Conquers All

November 28, 2021
Bible Text: Luke 21:5-9,25-31 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | This morning's service is led by one of our Worship Leadiong & Preaching team, our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. It's the…

Christ the King

November 21, 2021
Bible Text: Psalm 93:1-5, John 18:33-37 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | This morning's service was led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Worship Leading & Preaching Team and our Youth…

Remembrance Sunday

November 14, 2021
Bible Text: Mark 13:1-8 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Today's service is on the theme of Remembrance, including the Act of remembrance and two minutes silence at 11am. We…

Do you really see?

November 7, 2021
Bible Text: Mark 10:46-52 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Today's all age service, led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall but with lots of input from the young people,…
Bible Text: Mark 10:35-45 | Preacher: Mr Ian Levett | Our preacher this morning was Mr Ian Levett, a licensed lay preacher from St Mary's, Haverhill and chair of the…

Everyone needs compassion

October 24, 2021
Bible Text: Isaiah 49:8-18 | Preacher: Vivien Sargeant | Today's service was due to be taken by Vivien Sargeant visiting us from Clare Baptist church. Unfortunately Vivien had to isolate…
Bible Text: Psalm 100, Mark 10:17-31 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Our service this morning was led by our Minister, Revd Peter Goodhall. The slide for the sermon can…


October 10, 2021
Bible Text: Psalm 46: 1-11 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | Today's service is led by our Lay Evangelist, Cham Slade. The slide of 'Very British Problems' can be found in…

Harvest Festival

October 3, 2021
Bible Text: Deuteronomy 26 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service was an all age celebration of Harvest, led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall with contributions from…
Bible Text: Mark 6:35-44 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service was led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall and included Holy Communion. An audio recording of the…

Encouragement & Comfort

September 19, 2021
Bible Text: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service was led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. The pictures mentioned in the children's talk are…

Being part of the Body

September 12, 2021
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service was led by our Minister, Rev. Peter Goodhall. The pictures mentioned in the children's talk and…

Sunday Club Anniversary

September 5, 2021
Preacher: Claire Evans, Rev Peter Goodhall | Today's service was the annual Sunday Club Anniversary where we celebrate all the work done with and by the young people as well…

Following the Rules?

August 29, 2021
Bible Text: Mark 7:1-8,14-15,21-23 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | This morning's service was led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Worship Leading & Preaching Team and our Youth Leader. The…

The armour of God

August 22, 2021
Bible Text: Ephesians 6:10-20 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | The service this morning was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall and included Holy Communion. An audio version of…

“Do Not Worrry”

August 15, 2021
Bible Text: Psalm 131, Matthew 6:25-34 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service was led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall. An audio version of the sermon is…
Bible Text: Psalm 121:1-8, Mark 6:30-34,53-56 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | Our service today had a holiday theme, beginning with Summer Holiday as people arrived, mocktails on arrival and decoration…


August 1, 2021
Bible Text: Matthew 13:44-46 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Our service today is all age, with materials and message accessible to the children as well as the adults. It…
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This week's service is led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. The powerpoint slides shown in the first part…

Learning to Lament

July 18, 2021
Bible Text: Mark 6:30-34, 53-56, Psalm 6 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | This morning's service is led by Cham Slade, our Lay Pioneer. A text version of the service is…

Come to the cross

July 11, 2021
Bible Text: Ephesians 1:3-14 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service, led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall, included Holy Communion - for the first time in a…


July 4, 2021
Bible Text: Matthew 6:25-34, Mark 10:46-52 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | This morning's service was All Age, the first of these we've had in a very long time! Sarah led…

The Compassion of Jesus

June 27, 2021
Bible Text: Mark 5:25-34 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service was on Zoom, led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall. A text version of the service can…
Bible Text: Luke 15:11-24 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | The service this morning was led by Charmaine Slade, one of our Worship Leading & Preaching Team. There is a text…

From small things…

June 13, 2021
Bible Text: Mark 4:26-34 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Our service this morning is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. A text version of the service can be…


June 6, 2021
Bible Text: Romans 8:22-27 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Our service today is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. A text version of the service can be found…
Bible Text: Isaiah 6:1-8, Isaiah 43:16-21 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | This morning's service was led by our Lay Pioneer, Cham Slade. A text version of the service can be…


May 23, 2021
Bible Text: Acts 2:1-21, Ezekiel 37:1-14 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service was led by our Minister, Revd Peter Goodhall and was our first back in church…
Bible Text: Psalm 78:1-16, Mark 5:21-24, 35-43 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | Our service today is led by Sarah Glasswell, one  of our Worship Leading & Teaching team. A text…
Bible Text: John 15:1-17 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. A text version of the service can be found…
Bible Text: John 10:1-21 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall, Vivien Sargeant | This morning's service is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall, with our friend Vivien Sargeant, from Clare…

Joy & Contentment

April 25, 2021
Bible Text: Philippians 1:12-26 | Preacher: Henry Wilson, Rev Peter Goodhall | Our service this morning is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall with Henry Wilson preaching. A text…

We are Witnesses

April 18, 2021
Bible Text: Luke 24:36-48 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall' A text version of the service can be found…


April 11, 2021
Bible Text: John 20:19-30, Daniel 3:9-27 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | This morning's service is led by Charmaine Slade, our Lay Evangelist and one of our Worship Leading & Preaching…

Resurrection Day!

April 4, 2021
Bible Text: Mark 16:1-8 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Today's service was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. Unfortunately the introduction did not record fully so the video…


March 28, 2021
Bible Text: Mark 11:1-11 | Preacher: David Frost | This morning's service is led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall, with David Frost preaching. A text version of the service…

Sacrifice & Surrender

March 21, 2021
Bible Text: John 12:20-33 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | This morning's service is led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Worship Leading & Preaching team, and our YFC youth worker.…
Bible Text: Philippians 4:4-7, Mark 1:35-39 | Preacher: Rev Julian Pursehouse | Today's service is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall with the Chair of the East Anglia District,…


March 7, 2021
Bible Text: John2:13-22 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service is led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. A text version of the service can be found in…

Get Behind Jesus!

February 28, 2021
Bible Text: Mark 8:31-38 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service is led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. A text version can be found in the Notes.…

Christ: Creator and Redeemer

February 21, 2021
Bible Text: Colossians 1:15-23 | Preacher: Mrs V Sargeant | This morning's service is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall with Vivien Sargeant preaching. Vivien is a regular visitior…
Bible Text: Mark 9:2-9 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service on Zoom was led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. A text version of the service (slightly…
Bible Text: Mark 1:29-39 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | This morning's service is led by Charmaine Slade, one of our Worship Leading & Preaching Team. Held on Zoom, the service…
Bible Text: Mark 10: 46-52 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service was held on Zoom, led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall, with contributions from Alan &…

Got to or get to?

January 24, 2021
Bible Text: Luke 10:1-12,16-17 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | This morning's service is led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Worship Leading and Preaching Team. A text version of the…

God in our Suffering

January 17, 2021
Bible Text: Romans 5:1-5, John 16:12-15 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service is led by our Minister, Revd Peter Goodhall. A text version of the service can…

Let there be Light

January 10, 2021
Bible Text: Genesis 1:1-5, Mark 1:4-11 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Today's service. led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall, was held on Zoom. It follows the text you…


January 3, 2021
Bible Text: Psalm 27:1-14, John 1:1-14 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This week's service is led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall and has the theme of Light. Extended…

Christmas Honesty

December 27, 2020
Bible Text: Colossians 2:6-10 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Today's service is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. An extended worship playlist can be found here.

Christmas Day Celebration

December 25, 2020
Bible Text: Luke 2:1-20 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A celebration of our Saviour's birth on Christmas morning, led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. Please play the videos…

All Age Carol Service

December 20, 2020
Preacher: Sunday Club | This all age carol service was led by members of the Sunday Club. All the words/readings can be found in the Notes. Please play each video…

Traditional Carol Service

December 20, 2020
Bible Text: Luke 2:1-7,Luke 2:8-20, Matthew 2:1-12, John 1:1-14 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This is a traditional service of carols interspersed with readings. The final reading did not…

Come Holy Spirit

December 13, 2020
Bible Text: John 1:6-8,19-28, Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11, Luke 1:46-55 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Our service this morning is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. Please play the…

Our gifts and God’s gift

December 6, 2020
Bible Text: Isaiah 40:1-11, 2 Peter 3:8-15 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Today's service was our Toy Service where the congregation bring new toys to be donated to Social…
Bible Text: Isaiah 64:1-9, Mark 13:24-37 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This week is the first Sunday in Advent and our service is led by our Minister, Rev Peter…

Sheep & Goats

November 22, 2020
Bible Text: Matthew 25:31-46 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | Our service today is led by Charmaine Slade, one of our Leading Worship and Preaching Team. A text version of the…
Bible Text: Matthew 25:14-30 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | Our service this morning is brought to us by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Worship Leading & Preaching Team and our…

Remembrance Sunday

November 8, 2020
Bible Text: Psalm 46:1-11 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | As we are now back in lockdown for a few weeks the service today, led by our Minister, Rev Peter…

Standing Firm

November 1, 2020
Bible Text: Revelation 5:11-14, Joshua 3:1-17 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Our service this morning is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. Please play each video at the…

Moving Mountains!

October 25, 2020
Bible Text: Matthew 17:14-20 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | Our service this morning is led by Charmaine Slade, one of our Worship Leading and Preaching Team. Please play each video…

Putting our trust in God

October 18, 2020
Bible Text: Matthew 6:24-34, Psam 131 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. Please play each song video at the…


October 11, 2020
Bible Text: Psalm 13:1-6, John 11:1-44 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | Series: Lamenting | This morning's service is led by Sarah Glasswell from our Worship Leading & Preaching Team. Please…

Harvest Service (11.30am)

October 4, 2020
Bible Text: Deuteronomy 8:10-18, Galatians 6:9-10 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This Harvest Service is more traditional in nature, led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. A text version…

All Age Harvest (10am)

October 4, 2020
Bible Text: Acts 2:43-47 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This is the All Age Harvest service which also included the annual Sunday Club Book presentations, led by our minister,…

Who are you?

September 27, 2020
Bible Text: 1 Peter 2:1-10 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | This morning's service is led by Charmaine Slade, one of our Worship Leading & Preaching group. A text version can…

A closer look at the cross

September 20, 2020
Bible Text: Matthew 26:26-29, Philippians 2:5-11 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Today's service is led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall, and includes Holy Communion. Instrumental versions of two…

Mercy & Grace

September 13, 2020
Bible Text: Psalm 103:1-5,20-22, Matthew 18:21-35 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | This morning's service is led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Worship Leading & Preaching Team and our YFC…
Bible Text: Psalm 122:1-9, Ecclesiastes 1-8, Mark 6:30-34,53-56 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service was our first back together since March 15th and lockdown. With social distancing…

Listening to God’s call

August 30, 2020
Bible Text: Exodus 3:1-15, Romans 12:9-21 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Our service this morning is led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall & Jo. A text version can…
Bible Text: Matthew 14: 13-21 | Preacher: Rev Nick Wood | Today's service is audio only and is borrowed from Poole Bay Methodist Circuit where Peter's Mum worships. The text…
Bible Text: Ruth 1:1-22, Mark 12:28-34 | Preacher: Mrs V Sargent | Our preacher today is Vivien Sargeant who visits us from Clare Baptist Church. There is a text version…
Bible Text: Isaiah 58:1-12, James 1:27 | Preacher: Stefan Kaye | This week's service looks at the work of Tearfund and the biblical basis for all that the charity does.…
Bible Text: Luke 19:1-10 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | Our service today is led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Worship Leading and Preaching team. We revisit the story of…

Hidden Treasure

July 26, 2020
Bible Text: Matthew 13:31-33,44-52, Psalm 119:129-136 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Our service today is led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall and his wife Jo. A text version…

Jacob’s Ladder

July 19, 2020
Bible Text: Genesis 28:10-22 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Today's service is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall and his wife, Jo. A text version of the service…
Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | This morning's service is led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Leading Worship & Preaching team. It is focused around the Passion translation of the Bible,…
Bible Text: Psalm 145:8-14, Matthew 11:28-30 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Our service today is led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall and his wife, Jo. A printed version…

At the Potter’s House

June 28, 2020
Bible Text: Jeremiah 18:1-10 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Our service this morning is led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall and his wife Jo. Extended Worship resources can…

Living in Jesus

June 21, 2020
Bible Text: Romans 6:1-11, Matthew 10:24-39 | Preacher: Peter Barton | This week's service is led by Rev Peter & Jo Goodhall with the sermon provided by Peter Barton from…

Nurturing God’s seeds

June 14, 2020
Bible Text: Matthew 13:1-9 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | Our service this morning is led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Worship Leading and Preaching Team. Extended Worship resources can…

Trinity Sunday

June 7, 2020
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 13: 11-13, Matthew 28: 16-20 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | The service this week is led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall. Extended Worship resources…

Come Holy Spirit

May 31, 2020
Bible Text: John 7:37-39, Acts 2:1-41 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Our service this week is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. Extended Worship resources can be found…
Bible Text: 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11, John 17:1-11 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | Our service today is led by Charmaine Slade, one of our Leading Worship & Preaching team. There…

God is faithful

May 17, 2020
Bible Text: Psalm 122:1-9, Hebrews 10:19-25 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Our service today celebrates the 50th anniversary of our church building being opened and is led by our…
Bible Text: Psalm 31:1-5,15-16, 1 Peter 2:2-10 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | Today's service is led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Worship Leading & Preaching Team and our Youth…

Abundant Life

May 3, 2020
Bible Text: Acts 2:42-47, John 10:1-11 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This morning's service is led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. Additional, extended worship may be found here.…

The Emmaus Road

April 26, 2020
Bible Text: Luke 24:13-35 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | The service this week is led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall. You can find another edition of Window Bingo…
Bible Text: John 20:19-31 | Preacher: Gavin Payne | This week's preacher is Gavin Payne, a Methodist Local Preacher coming to us from his home in Eriswell. The sermon is…

Easter Day Worship

April 12, 2020
Bible Text: John 20:1-18 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This Sunday the printed service (see Notes) is different from the online Youtube service and the two are intended to…


April 5, 2020
Bible Text: Mark 11:1-11 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | Today's service is led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Leading Worship & Preaching Team and our Youth Work leader. Please…

God’s Interruptions

March 29, 2020
Bible Text: Psalm 130, Ezekiel 37:1-14, John 11:1-45 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Today's video service is led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall, with contributions from various members…

Mothering Sunday

March 22, 2020
Bible Text: Psalm 23, Luke 2:25-35 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | This week, and for the forseeable future, the service is presented on video. An mp3 audio file of the…

The Woman at the Well

March 15, 2020
Bible Text: John 4:5-42 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall. The all age talk…

New Birth, New Life

March 8, 2020
Bible Text: John 3:1-17 | Preacher: Rev Julian Pursehouse | A service of Morning Worship in a contemporary style with Rev Julian Pursehouse, Chair of the East Anglia Methodist District,…
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, Genesis 2:15-17, Genesis 3:1-7, Matthew 4:1-11 | A service of evening worship in a traditional style, led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall.

You are a Child of God

March 1, 2020
Bible Text: Matthew 4:1-11 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship for all ages, led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall and featuring some of the…

Meeting with God

February 23, 2020
Bible Text: 1 Timothy 6:17-19, Exodus 24:12-18 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Worship Leading…

Choose Life

February 16, 2020
Bible Text: Deuteronomy 30:15-20, Matthew 5:21-37, 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of evening worship in a traditional style led by our Minister, Rev Peter…

You’re worth it!

February 16, 2020
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 13:1-7 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by Charmaine Slade, one of our Worship Leading and Preaching…

Light in our darkness

February 9, 2020
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 2:1-12, Matthew 5:13-20 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall.

Speaking truth in love

February 2, 2020
Bible Text: Matthew 12:22-37, | Preacher: Wilf Stanbury | A service of evening worship in a traditional style, led by Mr Wilf Stanbury visiting us from Clare Baptist Church.

The Ten Commandments

February 2, 2020
Bible Text: Matthew 22:35-40 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, accessible to all ages. Led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall.…


January 26, 2020
Bible Text: Romans 12:1-21 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Worship Leading & Preaching team.

Counter-cultural living

January 19, 2020
Bible Text: Jeremiah 31:31-33, Hebrews 12:22-25, John 15:1-8 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of evening worship in a traditional style, led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall.…
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9, John 1:29-42 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall. The…
Bible Text: Mark 1:4-11, Acts 19:1-7 | Preacher: Rev Barbara Garwood | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style with our deputy District Chair, Rev Barbara Garwood, preaching.


January 5, 2020
Bible Text: Jeremiah 6:16, John 14:5-6 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Our annual Covenant Service where we recommit ourselves to God's purposes, led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall.…

Defining a King

January 5, 2020
Bible Text: Psalm 72: 1-14, Mathew 2: 1-12 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | A service of evening worship in a traditional style, led by Charmaine Slade, one of our Preaching…

Anno Domini

December 29, 2019
Bible Text: Hebrews 2:10-18, Matthew 2:13-23 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall.

Christmas Day Celebration

December 25, 2019
Bible Text: Luke 2:1-7, Colossians 2:6-10 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Our Christmas morning celebration in its entirety,led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall. The timing of the video…

Christingle Service

December 22, 2019
Bible Text: Matthew1:18-25 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This is a service where we look at the meaning of the Christingle and the congregation decamps to the church hall…

Family Carol Service

December 15, 2019
Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A family carol service with readings in the form of a story with carols in between.

Mary’s song

December 15, 2019
Bible Text: Luke 1:46-55 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall, including Holy Communion.

What are you waiting for?

December 8, 2019
Bible Text: Isaiah 11:1-10, Matthew 3:1-12 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style led by Sarah Glasswell from our Worship Leading & Preaching…

Get ready for Christ!

December 1, 2019
Bible Text: Romans 13:11-14, Matthew 24:36-44 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of evening worship in a traditional style, including Holy Communion. Led by our minister, Rev Peter…

Advent Traffic Lights

December 1, 2019
Bible Text: Romans 13:11-14 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall with a great deal…

God who keeps His promises

November 24, 2019
Bible Text: Luke 1:68-79, Luke 23:33-43 | Preacher: Gavin Payne | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style led by Mr Gavin Payne visiting us from Elmswell. As…

The Nature of Jesus

November 17, 2019
Bible Text: Matthew 12:15-21 | Preacher: Wilf Stanbury | A service of evening worship in a traditional style led by Mr Wilf Stanbury visiting us from Clare Baptist Church.

Swingball Scriptures

November 17, 2019
Bible Text: Luke 21:5-19 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall, including Holy Communion. Our…

Remembrance Sunday

November 10, 2019
Bible Text: John 15:9-17, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall. This…

Remembrance and Memorials

November 3, 2019
Bible Text: 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12, Joshua 4:1-9 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of evening worship in a traditional style led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall which…

Boomerang Blessings

November 3, 2019
Bible Text: 1 Kings 17:1-16, 1 Kings 18:16-39, Luke 6:38 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, for all ages, led by…

It’s all about Jesus

October 27, 2019
Bible Text: Luke 18:9-14 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by one of our Worship Leading and Preaching Team, Charmaine Slade.…

Showing Mercy

October 20, 2019
Bible Text: Matthew 12:1-14 | Preacher: Wilf Stanbury | A service of evening worship in a traditional style, led by Mr Wilf Stanbury, visiting us from Clare Baptist.

Don’t Give Up!

October 20, 2019
Bible Text: Mark 10:13-16, Luke 18:1-8 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall. Includes the…

Harvest Festival

October 13, 2019
Bible Text: Galatians 6:9-10 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This was an all age service with lots of our young people taking part. We brought our harvest gifts of…

Real Faith

October 6, 2019
Bible Text: Lamentations 3:21-26, Luke 17:5-10, 2 Timothy 1:1-14 | Preacher: Peter | A service of evening worship in a traditional style, led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall and…

Being changed by God

October 6, 2019
Bible Text: John 3:1-16 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | An all age worship service in a contemporary style, led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall. The reading took the…

The Harvest of Faith

September 29, 2019
Bible Text: Psalm 146:1-10, 1 Timothy 6:6-19, Luke 16:19-31 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of evening worship in a traditional style, led by our Minister Rev Peter…

How secure are you?

September 29, 2019
Bible Text: 1 Timothy 6:6-19, Psalm 91:1-6,14-16 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall and…

Youth Work Sunday

September 22, 2019
Bible Text: Matthew 19:13-15 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, celebrating our youth work. A number of the young people took part…

Don’t be indifferent

September 15, 2019
Bible Text: Matthew 11:20-30 | Preacher: Wilf Stanbury | A service of evening worship in a traditional style, led by Wilf Stanbury, visiting us from Clare Baptist Church.

Who’s your boss?

September 15, 2019
Bible Text: Psalm 86:1-17 | Preacher: Mrs V Sargeant | A service of morning worship in a comtemporary style, led by Mrs Vivien Sargeant visiting us from Clare Baptist Church.

Who is Jesus? Who am I?

September 8, 2019
Bible Text: Matthew 16:13-20, Revelation 3:20-22 | Preacher: Claire Evans, Rev Peter Goodhall | This was the annual Sunday Club Anniversary service, led by our Sunday Club leader, Claire Evans…

The Humble Life

September 1, 2019
Bible Text: Hebrews 13:1-8,15,16, Luke 14:1-14 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of evening worship in a traditional style, including Holy Communion, led by our minister Rev Peter…

All footsteps great and small

September 1, 2019
Bible Text: John 11:17-27 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, accessible by all ages. Led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall.…

A Divine Interruption

August 25, 2019
Bible Text: Isaiah 58: 9-14, Luke 13:10-17 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall. This…


August 18, 2019
Bible Text: Jeremiah 23:23-29, Luke 12:49-56 | Preacher: Mr Ian Levett | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by Mr Ian Levett.
Bible Text: Exodus 18:13-24, Luke 10:38-42 | Preacher: George Tadrous | A service of evening worship in a traditional style, led by Mr George Tadrous as a local arrangement.

Be Always Ready!

August 11, 2019
Bible Text: Psalm 33:12-22, Luke 12:32-40 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our Lay Pioneer Charmaine Slade. Both the all…
Bible Text: Ephesians 3:1-20 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of evening worship in a traditional style, led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall.
Bible Text: John 15:1-8 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Series: The 'I am' sayings of Jesus | A service of morning worship for all ages. The videos are clearly…

Never give up

July 28, 2019
Bible Text: Psalm 138:1-8, Luke 11:1-13 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall.

Jesus’ food

July 21, 2019
Bible Text: Genesis 41:1-16,25-37, 1 Corinthians 4:8-13, John 4:31-35 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of evening worship in a traditional style, including Holy Communion, led by our…

Focusing on Jesus

July 21, 2019
Bible Text: Psalm 52:1-9, Colossians 1:15-28 | Preacher: Gavin Payne | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by Mr Gavin Payne, a Methodist Local Preacher visiting…

Who is my neighbour?

July 14, 2019
Bible Text: Deuteronomy 30:9-14, Luke 10:25-37 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by Charmaine Slade, our Lay Pioneer. The video comes…
Bible Text: Luke 7:11-17 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, suitable fo all ages. Sunday Club do not go out to…
Bible Text: Mark 14:27-31,Mark 14: 66-72 | Preacher: Bryan Ellicott | A service of evening worship in a traditional style led by Mr Bryan Ellicott, an experienced preacher from this…

Get Up!

June 30, 2019
Bible Text: Colossians 3:18-4:18, 1 Kings 19:1-10, Hebrews 12:1-3 | Preacher: Henry Wilson | Series: Colossians | A service of Morning Worship in a contemporary style, led by Mr Henry…
Bible Text: Colossians 2:16-3:17 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Series: Colossians | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall. This…
Bible Text: Proverbs 8:1-4,22-31, Romans 5:1-5, John 16:12-15 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of evening worship in a traditional style, led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall.
Bible Text: Luke 5:1-5, Colossians 1:24-2:15 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | Series: Colossians | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by one of our trainee Local…
Bible Text: Acts 2:1-21, Colossians 1:1-23 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Series: Colossians | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our minister, Rev Peter…
Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | An All Age service of morning worship for Ascension Sunday, led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. The first reading is taken from the International…
Bible Text: Ephesians 4:7-16, Luke 24:44-53 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of evening worship, including Holy Communion, led by Rev Peter Goodhall.
Bible Text: John 14:23-29, Revelation 21:10,22-25 | Preacher: Gavin Payne | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by Mr Gavin Payne, a Methodist Local Preacher visiting…

Christian Aid Sunday

May 19, 2019
Bible Text: John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6 | Preacher: Chris Wilkes (CA) | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style. The service is led by our minister, Rev Peter…

Dorcas – her story

May 12, 2019
Bible Text: Psalm 23:1-6, Acts 9:36-43, John 10:22-30 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall.…
Bible Text: John 12:1-19 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall. This service includes the…
Bible Text: Numbers 20:2-12, Luke 24:13-33 | Preacher: Peter Barton | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. Our preacher this…
Bible Text: Luke 24:1-12 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | In this Easter Day service we celebrate the resurrection of Christ. We remove the symbols of Lent from the cross…

Welcomed, Warned, Wept

April 14, 2019
Bible Text: Luke 19:28-41 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of  morning worship in a contemporary style, including Holy Communion, led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall.
Bible Text: Matthew 10:1-42 | Preacher: Wilf Stanbury | A service of evening worship in a traditional style, led by Mr Wilf Stanbury, visiting us from Clare Baptist Church.

Demonstration of love

April 7, 2019
Bible Text: Matthew 20:29-34, Psalm 25:1-22 | Preacher: Major David Squirrell | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by Major David Squirrell visiting us from the…
Bible Text: Luke 1:46-55, Luke 2:33-35,2 Corinthians1:3-7 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of evening worship in a traditional style, including Holy Communion, led by our minister, Rev…
Bible Text: Luke 15:1-2, 11-32 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | An All Age celebration service for Mothering Sunday, led by our minister, Revd Peter Goodhall. This is the complete…

Heed the Warnings!

March 24, 2019
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, Luke 13:1-9 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. The…
Bible Text: Luke 9:28-36, Psalm 27:7-14 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by one of our Worship Leading & Preaching Team…

The Good Shepherd

March 17, 2019
Bible Text: Matthew 9:35-38 | Preacher: Wilf Stanbury | A service of evening worship in a traditional style led by Wilf Stanbury visiting us from Clare Baptist Church.

Bounty & Barrenness

March 10, 2019
Bible Text: Deuteronomy 26:1-11, Luke 4:1-13 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, including Holy Communion, led by our minister, Rev Peter…
Bible Text: Acts 6:8-15, Acts 7:51-60 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of evening worship with Holy Communion, in a traditional style, led by our minister, Rev Peter…

Living God’s Way

March 3, 2019
Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship for all ages led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. The Bible reading used was a paraphrase adapted so that…
Bible Text: Luke 14:15-24 | This year's World Day of Prayer service was put together by the women of Slovenia with the theme of God's open invitation to us all:…

Victory over our adversary

February 24, 2019
Bible Text: Matthew 4:1-11 | Preacher: Major David Squirrell | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style led by Major David Squirrell visiting us from the Salvation Army.


February 17, 2019
Bible Text: Psalm 36:5-7, Matthew 9:18-34 | Preacher: Wilf Stanbury | A service of evening worship in a traditional style led by Wilf Stanbury visiting us from Clare Baptist Church.
Bible Text: Psalm 1:1-6, Jeremiah 17:5-10, Luke 6:17-26 | Preacher: Gavin Payne | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by Gavin Payne, a Methodist Local Preacher…

God’s call

February 10, 2019
Bible Text: Isaiah 6:1-8, Luke 5:1-11 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall and including…

A Covenant Relationship

February 3, 2019
Bible Text: Jeremiah 31:31-33, Hebrews 12:22-25, John 15:1-8 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A Covenant Service with Holy Communion, led by our Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. This is the…

The Flood

February 3, 2019
Bible Text: Psalm 150:1-6, 1 Peter 3:18-22 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of worship in a contemporary style, led by our Minister Rev Peter Goodhall. As this…

Being known completely

January 27, 2019
Bible Text: Psalm 139:1-24, 1 John 5:1-5, Ephesians 1:3-14 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade | A service of Morning Worship in a contemporary style, led by Charmaine Slade. Charmaine is a…

The Wedding at Cana

January 20, 2019
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, John 2:1-11 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A morning service in a contemporary style led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall.

What is Church?

January 13, 2019
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 3:1-23 | Preacher: Mrs V Sargeant | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style led by Mrs Vivien Sargeant visiting us from Clare Baptist…

God is a God who…

January 6, 2019
Bible Text: Isaiah 60:1-6, Matthew2:1-12 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Our Covenant Service, adapted for all ages, where we rededicate ourselves to the work of God. Led by our…


January 6, 2019
Bible Text: Psalm 42:1-11, Romans 15:5-13 | Preacher: Major David Squirrell | A service of evening worship in a traditional style led by Major David Squirrell visiting us from the…

Good News!

December 30, 2018
Bible Text: Luke 2:8-16, Titus 2:11-14 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | An all age service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our minister Revd Peter Goodhall.

Christmas Day

December 25, 2018
Bible Text: Luke 2:1-20 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A short celebration service for Christmas morning, led by our minister, Revd Peter Goodhall.

Great Expectations

December 23, 2018
Bible Text: Micah 5:2-5, Luke 1:46-55 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | An all age service of worship in a contemporary style, incorporating the making of Christingles. Led by our…

Carol Service

December 16, 2018
Bible Text: Luke 1:26-38, Luke 2 1-20, Matthew 2:1-11 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of readings and carols following a set of slides called 'The Greatest Journey',from…


December 16, 2018
Bible Text: Isaiah 12:2-6, Luke 3:7-18 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our minister Revd Peter Goodhall.


December 9, 2018
Bible Text: Luke 1:57-80 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell | A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Worship Leading and preaching Group.…


December 2, 2018
Bible Text: Isaiah 35:1-10, Luke 4:14-21 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of morning worship for all ages, including the donation of toys for distribution locally by social…

Being God’s People

December 2, 2018
Bible Text: Matthew 9:14-17 | Preacher: Wilf Stanbury | A service of evening worship in a traditional style, led by Wilf Stanbury visiting us from Clare Baptist Church.
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 13:8-13, Mark 12:28-34 | Preacher: Rev Julian Pursehouse | Morning worship in a contemporary style, led by Jo Goodhall with our East Anglia District Chair, Rev…
Bible Text: Hebrews 10:11-14,19-25, Mark 13:1-8 | Preacher: Gavin Payne | Morning worshipin a contemporary style, led by Mr Gavin Payne a Methodist Local Preacher visiting us from Elmswell.

Remembrance 100

November 11, 2018
Bible Text: Psalm 46:1-11, Mark 12:38-44 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of Remembrance on the centenary of the WW1 Armistice, led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall.…

The Call of Jesus

November 4, 2018
Bible Text: Matthew 9:9-13 | Preacher: Wilf Stanbury | Evening Worship in a traditional style, led by Wilf Stanbury visiting us from Clare Baptist Church.

God’s gift of Love

November 4, 2018
Bible Text: Luke 18:15-17 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade, Rev Peter Goodhall | All Age worship in a contemporary style, led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall, with Charmaine Slade preaching.…

Christ Unchanging

October 28, 2018
Bible Text: Psalm 91:1-16, Hebrews 13:6-8,20-21 | Preacher: Major David Squirrell | Morning Worship in a contemporary style, led by Major David Squirrell visiting us from the Salvation Army.

“Out of the whirlwind”

October 21, 2018
Bible Text: Hebrews 5:1-10, Job 38:1-11, Mark 10:35-45 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Evening Worship in a traditional style, led by our Minister Revd Peter Goodhall. This service included…


October 21, 2018
Bible Text: Hebrews 11:1-12:3 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | This service saw the commissioning of the first Methodist Pioneer - Charmaine Slade. Rev Barbara Garwood, Deputy Chair of the…
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 12:14-26 | Preacher: Rachael Newham | This morning's service was a special event, looking at how the church responds to Christians with mental health issues, with…

You are God’s field

October 7, 2018
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 3:4-9a | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A Harvest celebration service for all ages, led by our minister, Rev Peter Goodhall. Please take a look at…


September 30, 2018
Bible Text: Job 1:1, 2:1-10, Mark 10:2-16, Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | A service of evening worship in a traditional style, including Holy Communion, led by…

Waiting on the Lord

September 30, 2018
Bible Text: James 5:7-11, Luke 12:35-40 | Preacher: Muritala Abimbola Muritala is a Methodist Local Preacher in training and this is his first sermon with us. The recording begins with…

Men Behaving Badly

September 23, 2018
Bible Text: James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a, Mark 9:30-41 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our minister Rev Peter Goodhall.

New Meaning to Life

September 16, 2018
Bible Text: John 4:1-42 | Preacher: Major David Squirrell A service of evening worship in a traditional style led by Major David Squirrell, visiting us from the Salvation Army.

The Tongue

September 16, 2018
Bible Text: Mark 8:27-38, James 3:1-12 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A service of Morning Worship in a contemporary style, including Holy Communion, led by our Minister, Revd Peter Goodhall.…

The Armour of God

September 9, 2018
Bible Text: Ephesians 6:10-20 | Preacher: Jacqui Player Our Sunday Club Anniversary service, led by the members of Sunday Club and Jacqui Player, Sunday Club Leader. The recording is the…

The Battle is the Lord’s!

September 2, 2018
Bible Text: Joshua 5:13-6:20 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our minister, Revd Peter Goodhall.
Bible Text: Hebrews 13:1-15, Matthew 5:1-16 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A service of evening worship in a traditional style, led by Sarah Glasswell (one of our worship leaders/local preachers…

Count your blessings

August 19, 2018
Bible Text: Ephesians 1:1-14 | Preacher: Mrs V Sargeant A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by Mrs Vivien Sargeant visiting us from Clare Baptist Church.
Bible Text: Luke 12:49-56, 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A servce of evening worship in a traditional style, including Holy Communion.

Jesus- the Bread of Life

August 12, 2018
Bible Text: Ephesians 4:25-32, 5:1-2, John 6;2-24 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A service of morning worship in a contemporary style. The reading from John's gospel was presented in video…

Bread of Life

August 5, 2018
Bible Text: Ephesians 4:1-16, John 6:24-35 | Preacher: Mr Ian Levett A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by Mr Ian Levett, an Anglican Lay Reader.

The authority of Jesus

August 5, 2018
Bible Text: Matthew 9:1-8 | Preacher: Wilf Stanbury A service of Evening Worship in a traditional style, led by Mr Wilf Stanbury, visiting us from Clare Baptist Church.
Bible Text: Romans 1:1-17, Acts 19:1-17 | Preacher: Major David Squirrell A service of evening worship in a traditional style, led by Major David Squirrell, visiting us from the Salvation…

Beyond Measure

July 29, 2018
Bible Text: John 6:1-21, Ephesians 3:14-21 | Preacher: Gavin Payne A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by Mr Gavin Payne, visiting us from Elmswell. Gavin is…

Rest, direction, healing

July 22, 2018
Bible Text: Psalm 23:1-6, Acts 12:3-19, Mark 6:30-34,53-56 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our minister, Revd Peter Goodhall. A…
Bible Text: Matthew 8:23-34 | Preacher: Wilf Stanbury A service of evening worship in a traditional style, led by Wilf Stanbury visiting us from Clare Baptist Church.

Going to the dogs!

July 15, 2018
Bible Text: Psalm 85:8-13, Ephesians 1:3-14, Acts 10:1-48 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall Morning worship in a contemporary style, led by our minister Revd Peter Goodhall. There was a dvd…
Bible Text: Psalm 48:1-3, 9-14, Mark 6:1-13 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall Morning worship with Holy Communion, ledby Revd Peter Goodhall.

Jesus Our Healer

July 1, 2018
Bible Text: Mark 5:21-42 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall All age worship led by our Minister Revd Peter Goodhall. There is a dialogue and then the reading is presented as…

YFC Celebration Roadshow

June 24, 2018
Preacher: Sarah Glasswell This is the annual celebration of the work of Youth For Christ in our local schools and amongst our young people. Led by Sarah Glasswell, our YFC…

Jonah 3&4

June 24, 2018
Bible Text: Jonah 3:1-10, Jonah 4:1-11 | Preacher: Mrs V Sargent | Series: Jonah A contemporary service of morning worship concluding our series on Jonah, led by Mrs Vivien Sargeant…
Bible Text: Luke 19:1-10 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell Today was designated Ability Sunday and the service is led by members of our Lantern Group for adults with learning disabilities. The…

Inside the Heart

June 17, 2018
Bible Text: Jeremiah 7:1-16, Luke 7:36-50, Luke 8:1-3 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A service of evening worship in a traditional style including Holy Communion, led by our Minister, Revd…

Jonah 2

June 10, 2018
Bible Text: Jonah 2:1-10, Acts 16:25-31 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Series: Jonah A service of morning worship in a contemproary style, including Holy Communion. This month we are…

Jonah – part 1

June 3, 2018
Bible Text: Jonah 1:1-17 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Series: Jonah The first in the June series on the book of Jonah. All age worship involving the whole congregation,…

Total Committment

June 3, 2018
Bible Text: Matthew 8:18-22 | Preacher: Wilf Stanbury Evening worship in a traditional style led by Wilf Stanbury, visiting us from Clare Baptist Church.
Bible Text: Romans 8:12-17, John 3:1-17 | Preacher: Gavin Payne Mr Gavin Payne is a Methodist Local Preacher, a regular visitor from Elmswell.
Bible Text: Acts 2:1-4,Luke 24:44-53, Acts 2:14-21 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A traditional service of worship for Pentecost Sunday evening, including Holy Communion. Preacher: Revd Peter Goodhall

Pentecost – on fire!

May 20, 2018
Bible Text: John 15:26-27; John 16:4b-15 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade Charmaine Slade is one of a group of people at Haverhill Methodist who are training in Local Preaching and/or Leading…
Bible Text: Luke 24:46-53,John 17:6-19 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall

Being Fruitful

May 6, 2018
Bible Text: Psalm 104:1,10-15, Numbers 13:17-20,23-25, Galatians 5:16-18,22-23, John 15:9-17 | Preacher: Revd John Boardman A service of worship suitable for all ages, from the very young to the somewhat…

Christ – the true vine

April 29, 2018
Bible Text: 1 John 5:1-6, John 15:1-8 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A service of worship in a traditional style, led by our Minister, Revd Peter Goodhall. This service included…

Beeing called by God

April 29, 2018
Bible Text: John 15:9-17, Acts 10:44-48, Acts 1:15-26 | Preacher: Rev Ruth Ridge A contemporary service of worship for Sunday morning led by Revd Ruth Ridge, visiting us from the…

The Good Shepherd

April 22, 2018
Bible Text: Psalm 23:1-6, John 10:11-18 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall Unfortunately the first 5 minutes of this sermon were not recorded, but the main ideas can still be heard,…

Jesus – your choice

April 15, 2018
Bible Text: Mark 16:14-18, 1 Corinthians 15:1-20a | Preacher: Major David Squirrell A service of worship in a traditional style led by Major David Squirrell from Haverhill Salvation Army.

Only the Brave

April 15, 2018
Bible Text: Luke 24:36b-48, James 5:7-11 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A contemporary morning service following on from the recent visit to Spring Harvest by a substantial group from the…

Come and have breakfast

April 8, 2018
Bible Text: Mark 1:14-20, John21:1-14 | Preacher: Mr J Sargeant A contemporary morning worship service led by Mr John Sargeant visiting us from Clare Baptist Church. Unfortunately the first minute…

The Last Laugh

April 1, 2018
Bible Text: John 20:1-18 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall An all-age celebration for Easter day. Rather than just the sermon, this is almost the whole service without the songs (copyright…

Like a Child

March 25, 2018
Bible Text: Zechariah 9:9-17, Mark 1:1-11 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A contemporary service of worship for Palm Sunday. During the opening songs the children formed a procession round the…
Bible Text: John 4:1-11, Luke 15:1-2, Luke 15:11-32 | Preacher: Bryan Ellicott A traditional evening worship service led by Mr Bryan Ellicott, an experienced local preacher. This was Bryan's final…


March 18, 2018
Bible Text: John 12:20-33 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A contemporary service of worship.

Mothering Sunday

March 11, 2018
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A celebration for Mothering Sunday, for all ages. The first two videos are announced, the last two were played as…

Take up your cross

March 4, 2018
Bible Text: Mark 8:31-38, Genesis 17:1-5 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall Our all age worship for this month has been put back to next week when it will be Mothering…

The Transfiguration

February 25, 2018
Bible Text: Mark 9:2-9 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A contemporary service of worship led by our minister Revd Peter Goodhall. The Tribute to Billy Graham video was in place…

Promise & Preparation

February 18, 2018
Bible Text: Genesis 9:8-17, Mark 1:9-15 | Preacher: Peter Barton A service of contemporary worship led by Peter Barton. Peter is UK Area Co-ordinator for the charity Adopt-a-Child and will…

Jesus breaking down barriers

February 18, 2018
Bible Text: Matthew 8:1-17 | Preacher: Wilf Stanbury A service of worship in a traditional style. Wilf Stanbury is a visiting preacher from Clare Baptist Church.

The Kingdom of God

February 11, 2018
Bible Text: Psalm 105:1-11, 45b, Matthew 13:44-52 | Preacher: Rev Debbie Borda
Bible Text: Isaiah 40:21-31, Mark 1:29-39 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A service accessible to all ages, the young people stay in for the whole service. Pictures from the drama…

The call of Simon Peter

February 4, 2018
Bible Text: Isaiah 6:1-8, Luke 5:1-11 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall An evening service including Holy Communion, in a traditional style.
Bible Text: Psalm 119:9-16,105, Mark 1:21-28 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A contemporary service of worship for a Sunday morning.
Bible Text: Psalm 96:1-13, Exodus 15:1-17 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall This is a service for all the churches in Haverhill to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.…

Mending Nets

January 21, 2018
Bible Text: Psalm 62:5-8, Mark 1:14-20 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A contemporary service of worship for a Sunday morning.

Being a community of calling

January 14, 2018
Bible Text: 1 Samuel 3:1-20, John 1:43-51 | Preacher: Rev Debbie Borda A contemporary service of morning worship led by Revd Debbie Borda, Superintendent of the Bury St Edmunds Circuit.

Grace upon grace

January 7, 2018
Bible Text: Ephesians 1:3-14, John 1:1-18 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A traditional evening service.

Jesus – our anchor

January 7, 2018
Bible Text: Jeremiah 31:31-33,Hebrews 12:22-25, John 15:1-10 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall This is our annual Covenant Service and all age.
Bible Text: Galatians 4:4-7,Luke 2:22-40 | Preacher: Gavin Payne An all age service for New Year's Eve.

Jesus in the middle

December 25, 2017
Bible Text: Luke 2:1-20 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall An all age celebration service for Christmas morning.

Christmas Close Up

December 24, 2017
Bible Text: Luke 1:46-55 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall An all age service for Christmas Eve where we also made Christingles.

Advent – Hope

December 17, 2017
Bible Text: Isaiah 9:1-4,5-7, Matthew 4:12-15,16-17 | Preacher: Henry Wilson Henry Wilson is a visiting preacher. He is the Co-ordinator of REACH Haverhill Community Support Centre & Food Bank. Video…

The Heart of God

December 10, 2017
Bible Text: Isaiah 40:1-4,5-8,9-11, Mark 1:1-4,5-8 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A contemporary worship service. The young people leave for their groups part way through. This service included an update…

The Maze and the Labyrinth

December 3, 2017
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 1:3-6,7-9 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A service accessible to all ages with contemporary worship. This was also our Toy Service, where the congregation donate new…

Christmas and you

December 3, 2017
Bible Text: Matthew 2:1-4,5-8,9-12 | Preacher: Wilf Stanbury A service of worship in the traditional style. Wilf Stanbury is a visiting preacher from Clare Baptist Church.

The Still, Small Voice

November 26, 2017
Bible Text: 1 Kings 19:1-4,5-8,9-12,13 | Preacher: Mrs V Sargent A contemporary morning worship service led by Mrs Vivien Sargeant visiting us from Clare Baptist Church.
Bible Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4,5-8,9-11,Matthew 25:14-17,18-21,22-25,26-29,30 | Preacher: Gavin Payne A contemporary morning worship service led by one of our Methodist Local Preachers, Gavin Payne, visiting from Elmswell.


November 12, 2017
Bible Text: Psalm 46:1-4,5-8,9-11, Romans 8:31-34,35-38,39 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A contemporary service of remembrance with a short video for young people, then a longer one, after the young…

Jacob’s Dream

November 5, 2017
Bible Text: Genesis 28:10-13,14-17,18-21,22, Ephesians 5:8-11,12-14 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall Traditional form of evening service with Holy Communion

Jesus – First and Last

November 5, 2017
Bible Text: Rev 1:8,17-18, Rev 22:12-13 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A contemporary form of worship accessible to all ages, incorporating activities for the younger people. The sound file begins…

Loving God and our neighbour

October 29, 2017
Bible Text: Psalm 1:1-4,5-6,Matthew 22:34-37,38-41,42-45,46,1 Thessalonians 2:1-4,5-8 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A traditional form of evening worship.

Agape Love

October 29, 2017
Bible Text: Matthew 22:34-37,38-41,42-45 | Preacher: Rev Michael Allen Revd Michael Allen is a previous Superintendent of this circuit, now retired and visiting us to preach.
Bible Text: Psalm 99:1-4,5-8,9, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-4,5-8,9-10 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A service of contemporary worship with Holy Communion.

Invitation to the Banquet

October 15, 2017
Bible Text: Isaiah 25:1-4,5-8,9, Matthew 22:1-4,5-8,9-12,13-14 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A traditional form of worship.
Bible Text: John 2:1-4,5-8,9-11 | Preacher: Capt. Andrew Payne Capt Andrew Payne is a Church Army Captain attached to the parish church of St Mary the Virgin in Haverhill. His…

Harvest Celebration

October 8, 2017
Bible Text: Deuteronomy 26:1-4,5-8,9-11,Luke 12:22-25,26-29,30-33,34 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall We bring our harvest gifts which will be donated to the Haverhill Food Bank. This includes fresh fruit and vegetables…
Bible Text: Exodus 3:1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-15 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall The reading was adapted for 3 voices and is included in the recording. In the craft activity the…

Four Warnings

October 1, 2017
Bible Text: Matthew 7:13-16,17-20,21-24,25-28,29 | Preacher: Wilf Stanbury Mr Wilf Stanbury is a visiting preacher from Clare Baptist Church. The sound quality is affected by the preacher moving away from…
Bible Text: Exodus 16:2-5, Jonah 3:10, Jonah 4:1-4, 5-8, 9-11, Matthew 20:1-4, 5-8, 9-12,13-15 | Preacher: Mr J Sargeant Mr John Sargeant is a visiting preacher from Clare Baptist Church.


September 17, 2017
Bible Text: Genesis 50:15-18,19-21, Matthew 18:21-24,25-28,29-32,33-35 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall

Forgiving others

September 17, 2017
Bible Text: Matthew 18:21-24,25-28,29-32,33-35 | Preacher: Rev Michael Allen Rev Michael Allen is a former Superintendent Minister of this circuit, visiting us from Ipswich.

God’s Superheros

September 10, 2017
Bible Text: Mark 12:28-31,32-34 | Preacher: Sunday Club Sunday Club Anniversary service, led by the Sunday Club. Photographs of the things created over the summer which adorned the church can…

Stumbling Blocks

September 3, 2017
Bible Text: Matthew16:21-24,25-28, Romans 12:9-12,13-16, 17-20,21 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall This is a morning worship service with Holy Communion, but incorporates the presentation of a long service certificate to…

Who is Jesus?

August 27, 2017
Bible Text: Matthew 16:13-16,17-20, Romans 12:1-4,5-8 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A contemporary service with Holy Communion. The sermon recording includes an introduction from the beginning of the service which…

Breaking Down the Barriers

August 20, 2017
Bible Text: Isaiah 56:1, 6-8, Matthew 15:21-24,25-28 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade This service is a Local Arrangement. Charmaine has completed the Mission Shaped Ministry course. She was a founder of,…

Take Courage!

August 13, 2017
Bible Text: Joshua 1:6-9, Matthew 14:22-25,26-29,30-32 | Preacher: Henry Wilson Contemporary worship led by Henry Wilson, coordinator of REACH Haverhill and a Methodist Local Preacher. Unfortunately only the second part…

Wrestling & Prevailing

August 6, 2017
Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall This is an all age service with a lot of different elements. The 'reading' is an adaptation of the story of Jacob wrestling with God found…


August 6, 2017
Bible Text: Matthew 4:18-21,22, Matthew 9:9-12,13, John 10:1-4,5 | Preacher: Bryan Ellicott A traditional service led by Bryan Ellicott, one of our very experienced preachers.

Special Treasure

July 30, 2017
Bible Text: Genesis 29:15-18,19-22,23-26,27-28, Matthew 13:31-33,44-47,48-51,52 Rev Debbie Borda is the Superintendent Minister of the Bury St Edmunds Circuit and 'looked after' the Haverhill Circuit during our interregnum last year.…

The problem of evil

July 23, 2017
Bible Text: Romans 8:12-15,16-19,20-23,24-25, Matthew 13:24-27,28-30,36-39,40-43 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A contemporary service with Holy Communion. The first of the videos formed the basis for the all-age talk, with…
Bible Text: 2 Samuel 7:18-21,22-25,26-29, Luke 19:41-44,45-48, Luke 20:1-4,5-8 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A service in a more traditional style.
Bible Text: Isaiah 55:10-13, Matthew 13:1-4,5-8,9,18-21,22-23 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall

Take My Yoke

July 9, 2017
Bible Text: Romans 7:15-18,19-22,23-25, Matthew 11:16-19,25-28, 29-30 | Preacher: Gavin Payne Gavin is a Methodist Local Preacher visiting us from Elmswell.

Remarkable Things

July 2, 2017
Bible Text: Luke 5:17-20,21-24,25-26 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall The sermon takes the form of a quiz about the video and story with the message embedded in the comments along…
Bible Text: James 4:13-16,17, James 5:1-4,5-8,9-12,13-16,17-20 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Series: Bible Month - James
Bible Text: Psalm 138:1-4, 5-8, Luke 19:1-4, 5-8, 9-10 | Preacher: Bryan Ellicott A traditional style evening service.

The Story of Next Door

June 18, 2017
Mrs Pat Shanks describes the journey from two derelict cottages to the drop-in centre we have today. Please look at the pictures in the Notesto complement the description.
Bible Text: James 3:1-4,5-8,9-12,13-16,17-18, James 4:1-4,5-8,9-12 | Preacher: Rev Julian Pursehouse Rev Julian Pursehouse is the Chair of the Methodist East Anglian District. During this service we celebrate the 30th…
Bible Text: James 2:1-4,5-8,9-12,13-16,17-20,21-24,25-26 | Preacher: Mr J Sargent | Series: Bible Month - James Mr John Sargeant is a visiting preacher from Clare Baptist Church.


June 4, 2017
Bible Text: John 7:37-39, Acts 2:1-4,5-8,9-12,13-16,17-20,21 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A traditional evening service (with Holy Communion).
Bible Text: James 1:19-22,23-26,27 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall | Series: Bible Month - James The first of four Sundays studying the book of James. There is a video illustrating…

The Christian Journey

May 28, 2017
Bible Text: Acts 1:6-9,10-13,14;1 Peter 4:12-14;1 Peter 5:6-9,10-11 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall Ascension Day service with Holy Communion

How does Easter end?

May 21, 2017
Bible Text: Zechariah 8:1-4,5-8,9-12,13,John 21:1-4,5-8,9-12,13-16,17-19 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A service along more traditional lines.

Knowing God personally

May 21, 2017
Preacher: Gavin Payne The readings app is currently not giving pop-ups, just gives an incorrect error message. If you click on the references  you will get a choice of other…
Bible Text: Psalm 31:1-4, 5, 15-16, 1 Peter 2:1-4,5-8,9-10 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall The embedded video is advertising Methodist Church Bible Month. Apologies for the quality of the sound…

Seeing Jesus Clearly

April 30, 2017
Bible Text: Luke 24:13-16,17-20,21-24,25-28,29-32,33-35 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall The video clip of Dorothy arriving in Oz was used in the All Age talk and referenced in the sermon. The…

Doubt & Faith

April 23, 2017
Bible Text: Psalm 16:1-4,5-8,9-11,John 20:19-22,23-26,27-30,31 | Preacher: Charmaine Slade Charmaine Slade is one of our congregation who has completed the Mission Shaped Ministry course. She is preaching under a local…

Easter Joy!

April 16, 2017
Bible Text: John 20:1-2,10-13,14-17,18, John 20:19-22,23,Luke 24:13-16,28-31,32-35 | Preacher: Miss T Mills The service is in three parts with a reading followed by a talk for each part. The three…

Easter Morning!

April 16, 2017
Bible Text: Matthew 28:1-4,5-8,9-10 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall A celebration of the resurrection, after removing the symbols of Christ's betrayal and crucifixion and decorating the Lenten Cross with flowers…

The Entry into Jerusalem

April 9, 2017
Bible Text: Psalm 118:1-2,19-22,23-26,27-29,Matthew 21:1-4,5-8,9-11 | Preacher: Gavin Payne Gavin is a Local Preacher visiting us from Elmswell.

God’s Interruptions

April 2, 2017
Bible Text: Psalm 130 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall The gospel reading was a dramatisation of the raising of Lazarus. The entire sketch precedes the sermon in the attached mp3…
Bible Text: Ezekiel 37:1-4,5-8,9-12,13-14 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall The gospel reading was an adaptation of the story of the raising of Lazarus, which can be found in John's gospel,…

Aspects of Love

March 26, 2017
Bible Text: John 19:25-27, Colossians 3:12-15,16-17 | Preacher: Gavin Payne This is Mothering Sunday. The first part of the service involves the children giving flowers to the mothers and other…
Bible Text: Exodus 17:1-4,5-7, John 4:5-8, 9-12,13-15,16-19,20-23,24-27,28-31,32-35,36-39,40-42 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall

Water from the Rock

March 19, 2017
Bible Text: Exodus 17:1-4,5-7, John 4:5-8, 9-12, 13-15 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall The picture referred to in the sermon can be seen by clicking 'Notes'. (In order to see…

The Holy Spirit

March 12, 2017
Bible Text: Genesis 12:1-4, John 3:1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall Watch the video before listening to the sermon.

The Great Commandment

March 5, 2017
Bible Text: Deuteronomy 6:4-8,9,16-19,20-23,24-25, Luke:15:1-4,5-8,-10 | Preacher: Miss T Mills Thelma Mills is one of our experienced Methodist Local Preachers.

Dealing with Temptation

March 5, 2017
Bible Text: Matthew 26:14-16, Matthew 27:3-5 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall This first Sunday in Lent is also an all age service. The children stay in and the material is…
Bible Text: Exodus 24:12-15,16-18, Matthew 17:1-4,5-8,9 | Preacher: Rev Peter Goodhall Peter is our new Minister and this is his first time preaching to us. He has been in Ministry…

Being Perfect

February 19, 2017
Bible Text: Leviticus 19:1-2,9-12,13-16,17-18, Matthew 5:38-41,42-45,46-48 | Preacher: Gavin Payne Gavin is a Methodist Local Preacher visiting us from Elmswell.
Bible Text: Isaiah 6:1-4,5-8, John 1:35-38,39-42 | Preacher: Rev Julian Pursehouse A service to welcome our new Minister, Rev Peter Goodhall, and his family. The service was led by Rev…

Taking Responsibility

February 12, 2017
Bible Text: Genesis 3:1-4,5-8,9-12,13-15, John 5:1-4,5-8,9-12,13-15 | Preacher: Henry Wilson Henry Wilson is the leader of REACH Haverhill and is visiting us from River of Life Community Church, Haverhill. There…

Extreme Generosity

February 5, 2017
Bible Text: Leviticus 19:1-2,9-10, Matthew 5:38-41,42-45,46-48 | Preacher: Sarah Glasswell A service accessible to all ages with a focus on including the younger elements of the congregation. Led by our…


January 29, 2017
Bible Text: Matthew 7:1-4,5-8,9-12 | Preacher: Wilf Stanbury A more traditional form of worship led by Mr Wilf Stanbury, visiting from Clare.

A Clash of Cultures

January 29, 2017
Bible Text: Micah 6:1-4,5-8, Matthew 5:1-4,5-8,9-12 | Preacher: Rev Michael Allen Rev Michael Allen is a former Superintendent Minister of this circuit, now retired.

The Covenant Service

January 22, 2017
Bible Text: Genesis 8:1-4,5-8,9-12,13-15,Genesis 21:1-4,5-7, Mark 14:22-25 | Preacher: Rev Debbie Borda This is our annual Covenant service where members renew their committment to God and the faith. The Covenant…

The Importance of Testimony

January 15, 2017
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 1:1-4, 5-8,9, John 1:29-32,33-36,37-40,41-42 | Preacher: Gavin Payne Gavin Payne is a Methodist Local Preacher visiting us from Elmswell.

Jesus’ Baptism

January 8, 2017
Bible Text: Isaiah 42:1-4, 5-8, 9, Matthew 3:13-16,17 | Preacher: Rev J Bloomfield Rev J Bloomfield is a visiting preacher from the Bury St Edmunds Circuit. The sound quality on…

New Beginnings

January 1, 2017
Bible Text: Revelation 21:1-4, Isaiah 43:18-19, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 | Preacher: Worship Team An all age service led by our worship team, with activities to support the theme.

Hold on to the good

July 31, 2016
Bible Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:6-9,10-11,16-19,20-23,24 | Preacher: Rev. Nigel Bishop Preacher: Rev Nigel Bishop This is Nigel's last service at Haverhill. He has been with us for 11 years and…
Bible Text: Psalm 139:1-4,8-10,13-16,Luke 10:38-41,42 | Preacher: Rev. Nigel Bishop


July 17, 2016
Bible Text: Matthew 16:13-16,17-20 | Preacher: Rev Tim Yau Rev Tim Yau is an Emerging Church Pioneer Minister with the Eastern Region United Reformed Church. He led our church weekend…
Bible Text: Matthew 5:1-4,5-8,9-12,13, 1 Peter 1:13-16,17-20,21 | Preacher: Rev. Nigel Bishop
Bible Text: Genesis 11:1-4,5-8,9, Acts 2:1-4,5-8,11-14,15-18,19-21 | Preacher: Rev. Nigel Bishop

Love Never Fails

April 24, 2016
Bible Text: John 13:18-21,22-25,26-29,30-33,34-37,38 | Preacher: Rev. Nigel Bishop Preacher: Rev Nigel Bishop This service included a short piece by Kay about a prophecy she was given, which is available…

People of the Covenant

January 10, 2016
Bible Text: Acts 2:36-39,40-43,44-47 | Preacher: Rev. Nigel Bishop This is our annual Covenant service where we renew our committment to God and His sovereignty over our lives. The audio…
Bible Text: Psalm 51:1-4,5-8,9-12 | Preacher: Rev. Nigel Bishop This service was given over to preparation for next week's Covenant Service. There is no formal sermon, but Nigel explains what…

What is the Church?

November 15, 2015
Bible Text: 1 Peter 2:4-7, 8-10, Mark 3:13-16, 17-19 | Preacher: Rev Tim Yau Rev Tim Yau is a Pioneer Minister with the United Reformed Church, based in Ipswich. He…
Bible Text: Hebrews 4:12-15,16, Mark 10:17-20,21-24,25-28,29-31 | Preacher: Rev. Nigel Bishop

Spiritual Warfare

August 9, 2015
Bible Text: Ephesians 6:10-13, 14-17, 18, 1 Samuel 17: 32, 38-41, 42-45, 46-49, 50 | Preacher: Rev. Nigel Bishop