Practising Love

June 2, 2024
Today's all age worship was led by our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. The slides used can be found in the Notes. An audio version of the sermon is also available.

The Good Samaritan

March 3, 2024
This morning's all age worship service was led by our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. We looked at how we should help others and had a special guest in the shape…

Order out of Chaos

January 7, 2024
This morning's service was led by our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. The slides used in the service are available in the Notes. An audio version is also available, without the…

Choosing to Love

October 29, 2023
This morning's service was led by our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. It included feedback from the 24/7 Prayer Vigil that we held over Friday & Saturday. An audio version od…

Trust & Faith

April 16, 2023
This morning's service was led by our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. An audio version of the sermon is also available.

What’s your be-attitude?

January 29, 2023
This morning's service was led by our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. The slides used in the sermon can be found in the Notes, An audio version of the sermon is…