The Armour of God

June 30, 2024
Today's service was led by Ian Levett, a lay reader from St Mary's Anglican church just down the road, ably assisted by Steve Norris. There is no video recording this…

Mothering Sunday

March 10, 2024
Our service this morning was led by Mr Ian Levett, a lay reader and friend from St Mary the Virgin Anglican Church. The Prayer of Confession can be found in…
Our preacher this morning was Mr Ian Levett, a licensed lay preacher from St Mary's, Haverhill and chair of the Haverhill Town Pastors Committee. If you would like to know…


August 18, 2019
A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by Mr Ian Levett.

Bread of Life

August 5, 2018
A service of morning worship in a contemporary style, led by Mr Ian Levett, an Anglican Lay Reader.