The Bible

April 7, 2024
Today's all age worship service was led by Sarah Glasswell, our Youth for Christ worker and one of our congregation. We dedicated the bibles provided for our Sunday Club by…

Bringing people to Jesus

February 4, 2024
This morning'sall age worship service was led by Sarah Glasswell, our Youth for Christ worker. Slides used in the service are available in the Notes. An audio version of the…

A familiar story?

December 24, 2023
Today's Christmas Eve service was led by Sarah Glasswell, our YfC worker and member of our congregation. There is an audio version of the sermon also available. There are no…

Choose Wisdom

November 5, 2023
This morning's All Age Worship was led by out Youth for Christ worker (& member of the congregation) Sarah Glasswell. the slides used in the talk are available in the…

New Beginnings

September 3, 2023
Today's all age service was led by Sarah Glasswell, one of our Worship Leading & Preaching Team and our Haverhill & District Youth for Christ worker. An audio version of…


June 11, 2023
This morning's service was led by Sarah Glasswell, our Haverhill & District Youth for Christ worker. The slides used in the sermon can be found in the Notes. There is…

Who’s in control?

March 19, 2023
This morning's Mothering Sunday service was led by our YFC youth worker, Sarah Glasswell. Flowers were presented to all the ladies in the congregation before the young people went out…

Being the Body

November 6, 2022
Today's all age service was led by Sarah Glasswell, our YFC worker and one of our WL&P team. The slides used in the service can be found in the Notes.…