Our service today was led by our Lay Pioneer, Charmaine Slade. The slides used during the service can be found in the Notes. There is an audio version of the…
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This morning's service included Holy Communion and was led by our Titular Superintendent, Revd Andy Burrows. All the slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An…
This morning's service began with the baptism of baby Malachi by Rev Ken Nicholls with the sermon preached by Vivien Sargeant visiting us from Clare Baptist Church. Slides used in…
Our preacher today was Gavin Payne, a Methodist Local preacher who used to be part of our congregation but now visitis us from Elmswell. There is an audio version of…
This morning's service was by our worship leader, Derek. The preacher was Henry Wilson, CEO of REACH Communiity Projects, our local help organisation & food bank (https://www.reachhaverhill.org.uk ). Henry is…
This morning's service was led by David frost, an experienced preacher from our congregation. Slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An audio version of the…
This morning's service was led by Rev Andy Burrows and included Holy Communion. Slides used in the service can be found in the Notes. An audio version of the sermon…
Our service this morning was led by Mr Ian Levett, a lay reader and friend from St Mary the Virgin Anglican Church. The Prayer of Confession can be found in…
This morning's service is led by Gavin Payne, a Methodist Local Preacher from Elmswell, originally from our own church. An audio version of the sermon is also available.
This morning's service of Holy Communion, led by Rev Andy Burrows, is the first in lent and begins the series of Lent Cross liturgies. The service also included infant baptism…