Our visiting preacher today was Peter Barton from Adopt-a-Child, a Christian charity working in Guatemala and Albania. Working with some of the poorest and most marginalised people, offering food and…
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Our service this morning was led by Ian Levett, a Lay Reader visiting us from St Mary's Anglican church. Ian is also Chair of the Haverhill Town Pastors which has…
This morning's service was our annual Covenant Service where we re-commit our lives to God and His service as He sees fit. Led by our Titular Superintendent, Revd Andy Burrows,…
Today's service was led by Steve Norris, a licenced lay preacher from our local Anglican church, St Mary the Virgin. The slides used in the sermon are available in the…
Today's Christmas Eve service was led by Sarah Glasswell, our YfC worker and member of our congregation. There is an audio version of the sermon also available. There are no…
This morning's Christingle service was led by Vivien Sargeant visiting us from Clare Baptist Church. This was a D-I-Y Christingle where those who wished to make one went up to…
Today's service was led by Henry Wilson MBE, CEO of our local REACH organisation (https://www.reachhaverhill.org.uk/)which helps people with debt, benefits & housing and provides a foodbank. Henry is also an…
This morning's service was led by Derek Marren, our worship leader, with Revd Julian Pursehouse, Chair of the East Anglia District, preaching. An audio version of the sermon is also…
This morning's service was led by Revd Andy Burrows and included Holy Communion. The slides used during the service are available in the Notes. There is also an audio file…
This is our Remembrance Sunday service, led by one of our congregation, David Frost. Unfortunately, the video after the Act of Remembrance can't be uploaded here for copyright reasons -…